Update for 7.1

Latest update for 7.1 has just been made available. This build works around a problem Clarion developers found on Windows 7 when the Alt Key was pressed. The problem reported was an apparent conflict with Windows 7 “Live Mail” or Outlook 2007. Both of these apps default to hiding the main menu and activating it upon pressing the Alt Key. The problem wasn’t unique to Clarion 7, the same conflict happens under Windows 7 with version 6 Clarion apps (and most likely prior versions too). We are testing a backport of the workaround for C6.3.x.

In the prior release we implemented code completion within the regular Embed Editor. In this release we have optimized the process so when working within the Embed Editor code generation of the procedure only occurs when something has changed that requires it, and the generated code is reused in the same edit session if possible.

We also tweaked a few things to make working with App based solutions and various version control systems a lot smoother. These changes mainly deal with detecting read-only files (Apps and Projects), and then shifting into a mode such that no merging occurs from the App generation process. Speaking of version control, we introduced a nice feature several builds ago; “Binary File auto-export/import”. What’s that? Well if you open Tools-Options-General you’ll see a node aptly named “Binary File auto-export/import”. On that tab you can specify individual Apps and DCTs (or entire folders if you have multiple Apps or DCTs), and whenever you are working with the named Apps or DCTs, an automatic export/import to TXA or DCTX format is executed in the background. This means when you open the App (or DCT) for editing the system looks for the TXA or DCTX format file and automatically imports it, and when you save the App or DCT the system exports your latest changes. Pretty slick and very useful.

The other notable change in this release is a change in how deleted controls affect embedded code attached to those controls. In this release whether you delete a control from within the Designer, or even from within the text editor when working with the window or report structure as text, any attached embed code will become orphaned (leaving it up to you to delete or preserve).

There are also several other changes and fixes, to see the entire change log click here

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