The Clarion 11 Release Candidate (RC1) was delayed from its delivery on Monday. The two main reasons were a bug report about slower load time for Solutions containing a large number of .APP files (regression), and a report about slow load times in very large .DCT files for the initial selection of a column (old existing issue). In the readme file these correspond with:
CHANGE: A Solution with multiple Applications now gets loaded much faster than earlier Clarion versions. NOTE: Only ONE project with the name the same as the primary App/SLN should exist in the Solution (this would apply for the presence of an item with the same name but with a different file extension)
FIX: DCT Editor was very slow on initial display of the Field/Column information for Columns defined as Derived Columns, if the Table also had Aliases
In debugging the DCT problem, we decided to make it easier to find these types of problems, and to do that we needed a feature. So, now we have this new feature:
FEATURE: Dictionary Editor Options (Tools->Options->Clarion->Dictionary Editor) new option to display the Parent Table next to the Derived columns
Which looks like this (new DCT option):
FEATURE: OpenFileViaRedirection Dialog now supports writing/pasting a Folder name instead of a file, and it will then open the regular OpenFile Dialog in that directory with the *.* filter selected.
For the File->Open (New Open via RED file):
There are several other important changes/fixes – and all are listed in the readme file.