You can now stop a file operation in the FileCallBackInterface.FunctionCalled method without an error being reported to the calling code. This is done by setting Parameters.StopOperation to TRUE. Using this feature you can, for example, have all CREATE statements execute SQL code instead of the standard code executed by the file drivers (could utilize the new SQLexecutor class and run your CREATE script). If ErrCode is not set, then no error code is returned to the calling code. FunctionDone will not be called if Params.StopOperation is TRUE.
The ABC FileManager class also has a new Property StopOperation. Setting this property to TRUE in PreDelete, PreInsert, or PreUpdate will cause the file operation to stop without reporting an error. Further, the matching PostXXXX method will not be called. If ErrCode is not set, then no error code is returned to the calling code. The matching PostXXXX method will not be called. if SELF.StopOperation is TRUE.