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For this article we’ll dive further into the processing of XML files. There are two types of XML we may encounter, #1 well formed XML, #2 unknown XML files.
#1 (well formed XML) documents are XML files that are correct in their syntax and will not require any validation, for this type of file we know from where they come from, and we know their format.
#2 (unknown XML) are documents that we don’t know where they come from, or if they are syntactically correct and well formed.
For the second type we won’t worry about because in this article we will be talking about how to read well formed files, the type of files that are created by an automated process to communicate between programs and share information, all that is done using well formed, well known XML documents.
When we want to communicate with another program through an XML document we need to be able to write that document and to read that document.
In this type of exchange the XML format used in that document is a well known format.
We already saw how to write our XML document using the XMLGenerator class which creates a well formed document, and now we need to Read a “received” document.
For reading an XML document a new class was recently added in C7; that class is the XMLParser. The XMLParser is a class that reads an XML document file and processes it, the document must be a valid document because the XMLParser does not validate the document, that is why we call the XMLParser a non-validating XML parser.
Is a no-validating parser bad?
Well no, it is not bad, it is just that, a non-validating parser.
Because we will be reading a known file we don’t need to validate the files and we don’t need to loose any time in doing that.
We are not creating a program that can read any random XML file, we only need to read a specific XML document.
For that kind of file we don’t need any validation, we know the format and it is what we are expecting.
The XMLParser included in C7 is very fast and its memory usage is very low. The parser does not store or create any structure with the XML data, instead it uses an interface and calls each method of that interface passing the XML Data.
To use the parser the IXmlNotify interface needs to be implemented.
The IXmlNotify is an interface declared in the file QuickXMLParser.INC, the same file where the XMLParser is declared.
The question is then:
Why I need to implement the IXmlNotify to parse my XML file?
The XMLParser does all the work of parsing the file but it does not know what to do with the data that comes from the XML Document.
We need to “tell” the parser what to do with the data. Or in this case the parser will just inform us that it found some data and let us decide what to do with it.
So the parser just reads the data and passes it to us.
How is the data is passed to us?
The parser calls the correct methods from the IXmlNotify interface based on the data that it reads.
A quick look into the IXmlNotify interface will show that the methods are very simple.
FoundNode PROCEDURE( STRING name, STRING attributes )
FoundElement PROCEDURE( STRING name, STRING value, STRING attributes )
CloseElement PROCEDURE( STRING name)
StartElement PROCEDURE( STRING name, STRING value, STRING attributes )
EndElement PROCEDURE( STRING name, STRING value, STRING attributes )
FoundComment PROCEDURE( STRING Comment)
FoundHeader PROCEDURE( STRING attributes)
CloseHeader PROCEDURE()
FoundAttribute PROCEDURE( STRING tagname, STRING name, STRING value )
Not that many methods to implement, right?
It is easy to implement the IXmlNotify, just declare a class like this:
And implement the IXmlNotify methods like:
MyClass.IXmlNotify.FoundNode PROCEDURE( STRING name, STRING attributes )
In each of the methods you implement you just write the code that is needed every time the parser finds some data that you are interested in.
Remember that this is not a general purpose parser so you will know exactly the data that you will be receiving.
After you have you class implemented just call the parser like:
lXMLParser XMLParser
LOC:XMLStream STRING(1024)
Note: you can declare your string on run time based on the size of the XML file or you can receive the stream from a web server,etc.
Most of the time you will have to parse a FILE, and that is why we extended the parser class to support a FILE name.
You still need to tell the Parser what to do with the data that it is parsing, but now instead of implementing the IXmlNotify interface you just derive the VIRTUAL methods needed.
And after that you just call your class like this:
Only one method call and the XML Document was parsed and the data was processed as you indicated.
With the Virtual methods you only derive the methods that are called with the data you are interested in, so you don’t need to derive all the methods.
The following are the all the methods that are virtuals
XmlNotifyFoundNode PROCEDURE(STRING name, STRING attributes),VIRTUAL
XmlNotifyFoundElement PROCEDURE(STRING name, STRING value, STRING attributes),VIRTUAL
XmlNotifyCloseElement PROCEDURE(STRING name),VIRTUAL
XmlNotifyStartElement PROCEDURE(STRING name, STRING value, STRING attributes),VIRTUAL
XmlNotifyEndElement PROCEDURE(STRING name, STRING value, STRING attributes),VIRTUAL
XmlNotifyFoundComment PROCEDURE(STRING Comment),VIRTUAL
XmlNotifyFoundHeader PROCEDURE(STRING attributes),VIRTUAL
XmlNotifyCloseHeader PROCEDURE(),VIRTUAL
XmlNotifyFoundAttribute PROCEDURE(STRING tagname, STRING name, STRING value),VIRTUAL
As you can see each one match a method in the IXmlNotify.
Summarizing both articles, an XML file is just a formatted text file, we can read the data contained by hand using a simple ASCII FILE but then we need to parse the file to extract the content, to make that process much easier we use the XMLFileParser class. To create a new XML file instead of just writing out the text we use the XMLGenerator class to simplify the process of creating the Tags and maintain the open/close of notation tags, also it ensures that we create a well formed XML document, and gives us the flexibility to create any type of XML document that we need in our program.
Attached is an example on how to create a class that derives the methods to load a tree with the parsed document.
It looks like the embed %AfterGeneratedApplication is a very popular embed these days.
We already talked about it in the Template Tips #2 post where we compare it with the #AT(%ProgramEnd). Now we’ll compare #AT(%AfterGeneratedApplication) with #ATEND, and we’ll explain which of these is appropriate for a given task.
Why do we compare #ATEND with #AT(%AfterGeneratedApplication) ?
Because both of these are executed at the end of the code generation process (when we click on the Generate button).
Some 3rd Party Templates have the need to execute code that requires the App to be have been generated, and you’ll find they make use of #ATEND or #AT(%AfterGeneratedApplication).
All of the templates support #ATEND, but we’ll focus on the #APPLICATION #ATEND embed.
The #ATEND is comparable to a Destructor of a class, it is executed at the end of a templates code generation cycle, and the purpose is typically to execute some clean up code. When I mention clean up code I’m not talking about generating backups, creating extra files, or doing some extra processing, etc. I’m talking about cleaning up template symbol values. Any other processing should not be executed in the #ATEND.
One of the reasons additional processing should not be executed in the #ATEND is that the #ATEND is similar to a Class Destructor, and that means the scope of the template is already ending, so just like in any other Class Destructor. you should not be creating new instances of anything at that point.
Another reason, that is more related to the templates is the Embeditor. What does the Embeditor have to do with the #APPLICATION #ATEND?
Well if you inspect the #APPLICATION code closely you will see that there is one magic part that make the Embeditor work.
I’m talking about this code:
#IF (%EditProcedure) #! Special for editing embedded source in context #CREATE(%EditFilename) #FIND(%ModuleProcedure,%EditProcedure) #FIX(%Procedure,%ModuleProcedure) #! Fix current procedure #MESSAGE('Generating Module: ' & %Module,1) #! Post generation message #MESSAGE('Generating Procedure: ' & %Procedure,2) #! Post generation message #GENERATE(%Procedure) #! Generate procedure code #COMMENT(60) #!Set comment alignment to column 60 #CLOSE #ABORT #!Stop execution of any other code #ENDIF
Yes, the Embeditor code is just the #GENERATION of the procedure with a little bit of magic.
Because this code is executed in the #APPLICATION section of the template we are expecting the #APPLICATION #ATEND to be executed.
Actually everything would be executed if it was not for the #ABORT at the end of the above code.
So if you are using the #ATEND, you are not only adding code to the equivalence of a Class Destructor, but you are also adding code that will always be executed unless you check for the value of the %EditFilename symbol. If the value of %EditFilename is null then you can be sure that you are in regular code generation, and not in the Embeditor generation. This is a very important point.
Where does the #AT(%AfterGeneratedApplication) fit into all this code generation?
Well the #EMBED(%AfterGeneratedApplication) is located at the end of the #APPLICATION template, it’s the last code to be generated before the #ATEND, but the big difference is that it only executes when we are generating the #APPLICATION during regular code generation. The execution of that embed will not happen on the Embeditor generation because of the #ABORT that we already mentioned.
The conclusion, if you need to execute code at the end of the Application generation process, I always recommend the use of the #AT(%AfterGeneratedApplication) instead of the #ATEND. And always try to use a PRIORITY, that will make other templates play nice with yours.
As with any other file format there are two basic processes that can be done with XML files; Reading and Writing.
C7 supports doing both in many ways, without the need of any additional tools.
In this article we’ll focus on two different methods, one for writing and one for reading.
The method discussed for writing is not new to C7 but it was never used in this way.
I’m talking about the XMLGenerator class, the same class as used in the Report Output templates.
Most of the classes used in the Report Output were designed to be used independent of the Report itself.
The XMLGenerator is no exception, and that is why it can be used in a very simple way to create XML files by hand coding the calls to the XMLGenerator methods.
The class has methods to create an in memory XML document and once that is done we can flush the
content to a file.
The methods are self-documented in the functionality, but lets introduce some code.
XML XMLGenerator
CODE XML.Init('breakfast_menu.XML') XML.OpenDocument() XML.SetEncoding('ISO-8859-1') XML.SetRootTag('breakfast_menu') XML.AddComment('The root tag is the first tag in the doc') XML.AddTag('food','') XML.AddAttribute('recordNumber','1','food') XML.CloseDocument()
First, as with any class contained within a separate module we need to include the module.
the class is declared in ABPRXML.INC
After that we create a new class instance of type XMLGenerator that we conveniently call XML
After that we call the Init method passing the xml file name we want to create.
Then we open the document calling the OpenDocument()
And start to create the document content.
The class supports many formats for its XML. In this case we use a single root node
that we set by calling the SetRootTag method.
After that we need to start adding nodes to our tree.
The Tags can have both attributes and content.
In this case we add attributes to the last added Tag named ‘food’ with the AddAttribute method.
After adding all our Tags and Attributes we just need to close the document and the content will be written to disk.
Some of the methods used to add content are:
AddComment PROCEDURE(STRING pComment)
SetTagValue PROCEDURE(STRING pTagName,STRING pValue,BYTE pIsCData=0)
AddAttribute PROCEDURE(STRING pName,STRING pValue,STRING pTagName)
Some of the methods to modify properties of the XML document are:
AddXMLHeaderAttribute PROCEDURE(STRING pName,STRING pValue)
SetEncoding PROCEDURE(STRING pEncoding)
As you can see, you can create any type of XML document, writing just a little code.
You don’t have to worry about the formatting or strings or opening closing Tags, or anything, just call
the methods and the class will create the document for you.
Just remember that the physical file does not exist until you close the document.
Attached in this document is the full example to generate the XML file.
In the next Part 2 of this article we will be discussing about reading this document using Clarion 7
NOTE: This class is part of the Report output Generator to XML and is included in C7 EE package and can be added to C7 PE
We found that some 3rd party templates that use #EXPORT or some other output are generating text in the middle of the generation of the APP itself. This can be very dangerous as it can “break” the code generation for the current module, leaving the user of that template with a partially generated file, or no file generated at all.
We also found some templates are sometimes using the wrong embeds to call its functionality, and that can create a problem when the template fails for any error.
The side efect of both of these template coding errors are code generation errors in the application generated source. So for templates developers we strongly encourage you to check the embeds you use and the location to ensure you are not generating code that can fail in the middle of the application generation process.
One of the changes needed by some 3rd party templates is the use of the embed:
this MUST be changed to:
The %AfterGeneratedApplication embed should be used for any side processing and code generation that is not related to the
main code generation of the APP.
We recommend that if you have a 3rd party tool that does some extra processing with the APP to take a look at the code yourself or send a query to the developer of that tool and ask them to ensure their template is not doing any processing in the wrong embed (#AT(%ProgramEnd).
This is one of many posts to come with advice and tips about things you should do, and things to avoid, when writing Templates. It is intended to help developers who write templates to validate their templates, and to implement some best practices to ensure the templates they deliver work as expected.
The template language is very strict in its syntax, and blank spaces/lines can have a big impact. Spaces where they are not expected are evil. A blank line in the templates will generate a blank line in the generated code, but where that blank line lands in the generated code depends upon where that blank line is within the template code.
Some areas of a template are not meant to generate code, for example #PROMPTs representing the UI. Some templates, like an Extension template, are not supposed to contain any generated code except within #ATs where the code is inserted into an #EMBED.
If a blank line is found in a template, but in a place that is not correct, like between #PROMPTs, or outside a #AT in an Extension template, the code generator will push that line into the generated code, but because the blank line was in an incorrect location there is no explicit place to insert that blank line, and it will add it at the beginning of the block of generated code. To summarize, blank lines in a template are good, except when they are somewhere they are not supposed to be.
Blank lines intended to make the template code easier to read should be always be replaced with #! in column 1 (or just removed). There isn’t a blank line “statement” in the template language, and the reason for that is so that you don’t not mix template language code, with generated output text. Using something like #!———- is much better than a blank line, better in that it is safer and it is more visual.
Some places where a blank line should not be placed:
In any template between a #PROMPT or any other UI code (#SHEET,#TAB,etc.).
In #EXTENSION templates any blank line outside an #AT/#ENDAT block is incorrect.
In a #UTILITY template any blank line outside the scope of an #OPEN or #CREATE is incorrect.
In any template, any blank line used as a separator between #DECLARE statements or as a separator between any other statement is incorrect.
As a golden rule, if the blank line is not intended to be output to the generated code, then the blank line should be replaced by a #! in column 1, or just removed.