We had hoped to get 7.3 into everyone’s hands before Christmas, and its very close but we
do need a couple more days to finalize. Our goal is to wrap up 7.3 next week and get it to everyone
before New Years day. Right after Jan 1st we’ll prepare 8.0 pre-release installs and we’ll aim to
publish the 8.0 pre-release by the end of that week, or possibly the beginning of
the following week. We want to get these products out the door and into your hands so that we can
focus on getting a pre-release of the .Net AppGen for Clarion.Net out to all of you who have been
so patient.
The Clarion community is the best development community anywhere, and we
wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
What do you mean by 8.0 pre-release ?
Clarion 8.0 ?
Maurice Heesakkers
and a happy and healthy 2011 !
Hi guys,
Merry Christmas to you all at Softvelocity and a Happy New Year:)
Arnor – Icetips Alta, LLC