At CIDC in September we showed a quick demo of an H5 enabled app. For the details on what the H5 product is all about you can read this;
At the conference I talked about our plans for H5:
H5 will be included with a future C9.x EE. H5 will be our first Clarion Community open source project. We’ll be posting the templates and classes onto GitHub so that Clarion developers from around the world can hack, enhance, branch, and generally share their ideas and expertise (working along side our core dev team). At the conference quite a few of the Clarion devs present indicated they are looking forward to getting involved with the project, and I think there are many more who weren’t at the conference who will join in.
Currently we are refactoring the templates/classes to move each control into separate file(s). This is a necessary first step to ensure its easy to work on files and get them checked back into the common repository while minimizing conflicting changes. We expect to open the project on GitHub in approximately 2 weeks.