The C7 Window Designer does a remarkably good job of rendering a window as it will appear at runtime; including rendering controls with manifest styles applied (something the C6 preview could never do). But Clarion developers have proven to us that for complex windows it just cannot match the runtime presentation. Enter the new Window Previewer functionality in 7.1 — the new previewer beats the old C6 preview hands down, it does that by compiling the window into a tiny program and executing that program, which means no matter what OS you are running, you’ll see the exact same representation for the window as you would if you had compiled the entire application. But because this is just a tiny program, it runs instantly (just as fast as in C6)! It also displays user-defined data within the controls (another bonus over C6).
Here is a quick screen shot of the previewer in action:
How will this work with for instance Noyantis templates that have a ‘global’ and a ‘local’ code sections ??
Kind regards
for (1) the IDE doesn’t need to know anything about the VM its running in, all will work seamlessly
for (2), the user-defined data used to populate the controls with values is defined in a simple XML file, so issues with global var names, etc. are avoided completely
This sounds very good
Just two questions pls :
1. how will the “previewer” exe run in a virtual machine env ?
2. how wil the “user defined” data be found when the table in dct is a global variable named one ?
Merci again for having listened to us on this very important point