We have an update for Clarion 11.1 and a new version of AnyScreen (v2.0). This build fixes an elusive bug in the MS Sql driver, and well as other fixes. A new feature introduced in this build is a new Pragma “eol_is_space”, here’s an excerpt from the Help file that describes it:
PRAGMA (‘option(eol_is_space => on | off)’) W
If the pragma is ON, end-of-line characters inside a string literal are treated as whitespaces allowing string literals to be multi-line. This option is useful for embedding non-Clarion code, such as Javascript, HTML, and SQL scripts.
There are three requirements, (1) the last line of the assignment statement (the closing single quote) must be terminated with a semi-colon, and (2) you cannot have a WINDOW,REPORT,FILE or VIEW defined within the source code where the pragma is ON, (3) the embedded string literal has a maximum length of 64K.
Compiler Error: if the string literal is longer than 64K the compiler posts the error:
“Invalid string (misused <…> or {…}, or literal is too long)”
PRAGMA ('option(eol_is_space => on)')
V = '
<div ng-controller="ExampleController" class="expressions">
<input type="text" ng-model="expr" size="80"/>
<button ng-click="addExp(expr)">Evaluate</button>
<li ng-repeat="expr in exprs track by $index">
[ <a href="" ng-click="removeExp($index)">X</a> ]
<code>{{expr}}</code> => <span ng-bind="$parent.$eval(expr)"></span>
'; !terminate with semi-colon
PRAGMA ('option(eol_is_space => off)')
The use of this new pragma allows for some very useful functionality in AnyScreen 2.0. Essentially you can now embed blocks of HTML and Javascript using copy/paste with no restrictions on special characters used with the pragma block.
The install includes a new example that shows how to embed an HTML editor, Code editor, Video player, Google Maps, Signature capture and the Canvas object.
Load up the example app from Clarion\accessory\examples\AnyScreenDemo\AnyScreenDemo.app and you can see it in action. Here’s a screen shot:

You can review the complete list of changes for Clarion11.1 here
You can review the complete list of changes for AnyScreen 2.0 here