C9 – Trigger support extended

You can now add Create and Fetch triggers in the dictionary, and in the global embeds of a data app.

The Dictionary Editor Trigger Properties list has been extended to include:

Trigger Type                           ABC Method

  • ——————————————————–
  • Before Record Retrieval            PreFetch
  • After Record Retrieval             PostFetch
  • Before Create                          PreCreate
  • After Create                               PostCreate

The following FileManager Methods have been added:

PreFetch                      PROCEDURE(SIGNED OpCode, KEY key, STRING positionBuffer, LONG pointer, UNSIGNED recLen, *CSTRING ErrCode, *CSTRING ErrMsg),BYTE,VIRTUAL
PostFetch                    PROCEDURE(SIGNED OpCode, KEY key, STRING positionBuffer, LONG pointer, UNSIGNED recLen, *CSTRING ErrCode, *CSTRING ErrMsg),BYTE,VIRTUAL
PreCreate                    PROCEDURE(*CSTRING ErrCode, *CSTRING ErrMsg),BYTE,VIRTUAL
PostCreate                  PROCEDURE(*CSTRING ErrCode, *CSTRING ErrMsg),BYTE,VIRTUAL