We’ve implemented a new feature for 7.1 .that allows for auto-save of an .App and recovery from a crashed system.
The way it works is like this:
- explicitly saved changes are written to both the in-memory database and to the new recovery file
- upon saving an .App the recovery file is emptied (truncating it’s size to 0)
- when an APP is closed the recovery file is deleted
- if the recovery file’s size exceeds the limit (as set in Application Options), then AppGen auto-saves the APP file to disk
- if AppGen finds a recovery file when opening an .App, and the recovery file is older then the .App file, and its size is > 0, the user is queried to recover the .App or to open the last saved .App.
Here’s the new application option:
In all cases a backup of the .App is made when its first opened (.Bpp extension)
Come to think of it, why not just throw away the whole .bpp and replace it with a .txa instead? import the .txa and then use the recovery on it. Recover and tune the .app in one!
Yes, .txa only when doing the autosave and creating the .bpp
I suggested a checkbox as a choice only in case saving a large .app to .txa really slows things down objectionably.
With a .txa
1. work can be recovered when the .app and .bpp are corrupted
2. Importing procedure by procedure self checks at the procedure level
3. Re-creating the .app by importing the .txa probably optimizes the .app file and almost certainly reduces it in size by a large amount. Maybe increasing the speed of opening the .app and reducing needed resources? Like packing and re-keying a database. Certainly makes it more robust.
4. You can ‘get at’ the .txa , see what’s going on and make manual corrections and patches.
Frankly I think that the .txa is what the .bpp should have been.
( Why not do it with the dictionary too, every time it produces a backup)
Autosave is excellent, but in the spirit of belt and braces, could we also have a check box that will add the save to text feature at the same time.
I mention this because now and again when things go wrong the app and backup both get corrupted and the work is lost.
So would you want the save to the TXA to be triggered by the same setting as for the Autosave?
Just like C6 – Thank you VERY MUCH!
Exactly what we needed.
Its about time, but I have to say its much better then we had before, AUTOSAVE is AWESOME!!
SV: Thanks for all of your efforts and patience for making C7 a better product, this is something that’s been needed for awhile.