Monthly Archives: August 2009

Report Writer

This Friday we’re going to demonstrate the new Report Writer on Clarion Live!. Our thanks to John Hickey and Arnold Young for inviting us back!
I thought I’d take a few minutes to point out some of the features and give you a feel for the UI.  Here’s a scaled-down screen shot of the main view.

Report Writer - main view
Report Writer – main view

Everything is done from this main view, in this next shot I had just pressed the “Preview” button.

Preview the Report

As you can see, when you go into Preview mode a new toolbar appears that provides some great functionality, including the ability to search the report, save the report to a number of formats and even email the report in your desired format.


There are some great options for saving the report to disk or for emailing.  The email button invokes the client
machine’s default email program.

export formats

Back into Design mode, one feature I think you’ll love is the support for “Styles”.  Styles let you define background colors, borders, fonts and text alignment which then makes its very easy to quickly set all your fields or static text to a nice uniform look.


Styles can also be applied to Report Bands, for example that’s how I gave this report the the two different shades of blue for the odd and even rows.


The Group and Sort Pad makes it easy to apply grouping/sorting to any report.  Grouping and Sorting can be done by an end user with just a few mouse clicks.


There are 17 controls available to build your report with:


The Report Wizard does a great job of getting you started, it allows you to select both a style (which you can customize), and a layout.



And there is builtin support for creating labels:


Hopefully this post gives you a good idea of what’s coming.  We’re working hard now on TXR conversions, which many Clarion developers have told us is very important to them, and we’re fixing bugs found internally, but it won’t be long before we make a beta version available.

Its worth mentioning that the new Report Writer will be shared by both Clarion 7 (win32) and Clarion.Net, and it includes support for doing advanced scripting using Clarion# at design time.  There is much more functionality, and great features to talk about, and as the documentation progresses we’ll post a detailed spec sheet on the web site.